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Franco-German happy hour on Innovation in Forbach

Bérénice Kimpe, Head of the Franco-German ABG-FGU branch

Together with the Franco-German business incubator Eurodev Center, the Franco-German ABG-FGU branch is organising a happy hour in Forbach, on May 19, 2011 from 6pm.

(Picture : Eurodev Center in Forbach)
Building a relational network between the academic and business sectors is an essential part of professional mobility. Thanks to this happy hour, young PhDs and Masters students planning to do a thesis have the opportunity to learn from the knowledge of experienced PhDs and make contacts. We therefore invite PhDs who are working in the private sector and able to give advice on professional mobility to participate in these exchanges, which take place in the relaxed atmosphere of a happy hour.

Key items on the programme: a presentation of the Franco-German branch ABG-FGU and Eurodev Center, success stories of PhDs in innovation, consultancies, business creation, metallurgy… And more interactions over an aperitif.

Entrance is free but the number of places is limited so please register before May, 12 2011:
By email: antenne-abg@dfh-ufa.org
or by telephone : +49 681 938 12 192

(Picture : Eurodev Center in Forbach)