Recruitment and career development of PhD-holders
Association Bernard Gregory
IMT Atlantique Employment
Improved pre-op planification of distal radius fracture through a joint Statistical Shape and Motion model of forearm bones
Scientific context Fractures of the distal radius are a public health issue as they are the most common fractures. They can occur at any age, both in young active people (high-velocity trauma) and elderly people (height falls with osteoporotic bone ... Université de Tours/ INSA Centre Val de Loire ThesisSynthèse, formulation et caractérisations de polymères fonctionnels biosourcés pour des capteurs ultrasonores innovants
Depuis 2021 avec la loi AGEC est entamée une démarche pour réduire, recycler et réutiliser les déchets plastiques issus des dispositifs médicaux. L’un des freins actuels est la réglementation et l ...
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures, UMR5259, INSA de Lyon Employment
Caractérisation d’un plastifiant dans un contact EHD par spectroscopie Brillouin / Characterization of a plasticizer in an EHD contact by Brillouin spectroscopy
Cette offre vise un(e) candidat(e) ayant soutenu sa thèse de doctorat idéalement en physique expérimentale des fluides par des méthodes de spectroscopie. Le travail de recherche proposé se veut exploratoire. ... Inserm U1242 Oncogenesis, Stress, Signaling InternshipDNA scaffolds for tunable spatiotemporal control over receptor kinase assemblies
Supervisors: Dr X. Guillory (PI), C. Walter (PhD); Remuneration: 580€ net/month; Duration: 6 or 7 months between January and July 2025 Scientific background – Cellular stress induced by the abnormal accumulation of improperly folded prot ...Training
Pursue a doctorate or not. Identify and promote one’s competencies. Prepare for a career move. Supervise doctoral candidates. Whatever the challenge you're facing, ABG helps you to take it up.
Should I do a PhD? That is the question, and it is best to know your answer to it before making a three-year commitment or giving up due to a lack of information!
Capitalizing on the Experience of Doctors in Enterprise (EDEn)
It is therefore essential that each PhD student take a step back and learn to communicate effectively about his or her experience, skills and successes.
The EDEn program (Valorisation of the Doctoral Experience in Business) was designed specifically to support doctoral students in their professional development.
Formation à l’encadrement
Management skills improve with experience, but they must be built on solid foundations. This training session is therefore designed to work with participants on defining the principles and practices that will give meaning to their supervisory role.
Order training
With innovation as a pillar of our approach, we regularly develop new training content and design tailor-made training programs in response to the needs of businesses, research organizations and institutes of higher learning. Contact us!
Centre de recherche en organogénèse expérimentale de l’Université Laval
Evaluation des activités immunomodulatrices et pro-angiogéniques des cellules souches dérivées du tissu adipeux (ASC) cultivées sur des échafaudages électrofilés
Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer une opportunité pour un étudiant au doctorat très motivé de se joindre à notre équipe de recherche dynamique au Centre de Recherche en Organogénèse Expérim ... CIRAD JobEcophysiologiste pour l'identification de traits pertinents des systèmes rizicoles diversifiés.
AGAP institut est une unité mixte de recherche visant à l'amélioration génétique de l'adaptation des plantes cultivées aux contraintes des environnements de culture dans un contexte de transition agro& ...News
French – Italian Day for Early Career Researchers 2024
Under the scientific label of the Italo-French University and with the support of the French Embassy in Italy, ABG and the University of Turin are organizing the fourth ON-SITE edition of the French-Italian day for early-career researchers on October 10, 2024 in Turin, Italy. This event is an opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to get an insight on the job market and the skills necessary for a career transition and to network with recruiters and PhDs working in companies or who have launched an entrepreneurial activity. Registration is open!
Focus on Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro: International Career Mobility to Italy
Inscrivez-vous au Forum Emploi Maths 2018
Calls for applications
Hungarian Research Grant
The ABG perspective
Hélène GODIN, PhD in film studies, now serving as an educational engineer
Our Members Have Talent: interview with Marie TARDITI, Corporate Relations and Professional Integration Officer at CY University.
Our members have talent: interview with Vanessa PROUX, Director of Sup'Biotech
More about us
Since our founding in 1980, ABG has worked to promote the career development of PhD-holders, the innovative capacities of businesses, and to capture the value of skills acquired through training in research.
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Discover our members
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire - IRSN - Siège
- ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
- MabDesign
- Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
- Tecknowmetrix
- Ifremer
- Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
- TotalEnergies
- Généthon
- Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
- Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
- Nokia Bell Labs France
- MabDesign