French – Italian Day for Early Career Researchers 2024
Under the scientific label of the Italo-French University and with the support of the French Embassy in Italy, ABG and the University of Turin are organizing the fourth ON-SITE edition of the French-Italian day for early-career researchers on October 10, 2024 in Turin, Italy. This event is an opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to get an insight on the job market and the skills necessary for a career transition and to network with recruiters and PhDs working in companies or who have launched an entrepreneurial activity. Registration is open!
Focus on Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro: International Career Mobility to Italy
Discover Italy's economic landscape with Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro, a key partner in facilitating international mobility and helping professionals integrate into the local job market. Learn how APL can support researchers and professionals in launching successful careers in Piedmont.
Inscrivez-vous au Forum Emploi Maths 2018
L'édition 2017 du Forum Emploi Maths aura lieu le 13 décembre 2018 prochain à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, à Paris. Il propose comme chaque année de connecter les étudiants et les formations en maths aux besoins des entreprises. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !
Hungarian Research Grant
The Research Grant Hungary is a funding scheme that provides support for up to five years to exceptional international researchers who are leaders in their fields. The aim is for these researchers to contribute to Hungary's growth as a regional hub for research, development, and innovation by carrying out promising research projects. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2024.
Meet ABG on October 24th from 10 am to 4:30 pm at the Welcome Desk Paris 2024 by CiUP
Are you a PhD candidate or a PhD holder? Are you wondering about a specific aspect of your career path or, more generally, about the next step in your career plan?
ABG, a longstanding partner of the CiUP and a guest of its Welcome Desk Paris, is offering you a meeting, on October 24th, 2024, from 10 am to 4:30 pm, at the CIUP. Register now!
French-Indonesian Science and Technology Cooperation Program: PHC Nusantara 2025
The Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) - Nusantara 2025 - aims to promote excellent scientific and technological exchanges between French and Indonesian laboratories by encouraging new collaborations and the participation of young researchers and PhD candidates in all scientific fields. The call for applications is now open and runs until October 27, 2024. Apply now.
ABG's Doctoral supervision training, 23 & 24 April 2019 in Paris [in French] – register now!
Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims to attract the best and brightest minds from around the world to pursue their PhD program at one of Hong Kong's universities. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2024.
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowships
AAUW international fellowships aims to support women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States, who are not U.S. citizens, and who intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career. The deadline for applications is November 15, 2024.
Australia-France Collaborative Research Program
Australia-France Collaborative Research Program is aimed to foster and reinforce social science collaboration between Australia and France through research activities on a topic of interest to both countries.The deadline for applications is November 1, 2024 (tbc).
Each month, ABG provides you with an overview of its news, as well as that of its network, through 3 newsletters:
- "Researchers newsletter" for PhD candidates, PhDs, engineering students and Master students (FR)
- "International newsletter" for all audiences interested in news, funding, and especially international mobility, opportunities and job offers for an international audience (EN/FR)
- "Employers newsletter" for companies and other organisms which recruit PhDs
Read our latest newsletters and... subscribe to the newsletter of your choice .
Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019
Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.
Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)
Register for the PhDTalent Career Fair 2023 on November 23, at Centquatre [Paris].
On November 23, 2023, the PhDTalent Career Fair will be held in Paris: a recruitment forum dedicated to PhD holders, co-organized by PhDTalent and different organizations in the Paris region. Nearly 5,000 visitors, 150 companies and thousands of PhD students are expected to attend this year's event. Take a look at the program and register now!
This autumn, meet ABG at the BIOTechno Forums - 2023
BIOTechno Forums are unique meeting days which bring together students, PhD candidates, young researchers and companies each year. The main objective is to facilitate the creation of a strong biotechnology network, thus strengthening the links between academia and the private sector.
This year, ABG will attend the Paris Biotechno Forum on September 29, 2023 at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris. Then, we will head to Marseille, on October 17, 2023, at the Marseille World Trade Center, in Strasbourg on October 23 and finally in Grenoble on November 13.
Le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019
The Horizon Chimie Forum will take place on 31 January 2019 at Maison de la Chimie, Paris. ABG will be happy to meet you there !
Multi-distribution: Expand the distribution of your job offers via ABG
The number of candidates for a job offer (job, thesis or internship) is highly dependent on the job offer’s visibility. By choosing to use our ABG job board, you increase your chances of attracting talent by spreading your offers across multiple partner websites!
Collaborate with ABG for your European project
ABG has been increasingly active at the European level and is recognized as "Euraxess Career Development Center" since 2017. It is a partner in several European projects (COFUND, ITN/Doctoral Networks, Interreg, Erasmus, etc.). Discover our actions in favor of the recruitment and career development of researchers and associate ABG to your projects. The call for projects MSCA Cofund and Doctoral Networks are respectively open until September 26th and November 27th, 2024.
Consultez l'intégralité des REPLAYS des webinaires Focus Métiers - Hors R&D
Depuis février 2021, le pôle Relations Entreprises, Partenariats et Recrutement de l'ABG a lancé la série des webinaires Focus Métiers Hors R&D. Chaque épisode se focalise sur une famille de métiers accessibles au docteurs (PhDs) à travers des témoignages suivi d'échanges.
Dans cet article, retrouvez les replays des épisodes 1 à 5.
Focus on CiTIUS: paving the way in artificial intelligence and intelligent technologies
Discover the research landscape of Spain with the Research Centre on Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS) at the University of Santiago de Compostela. CiTIUS offers researchers from around the globe the opportunity to work at the forefront of technological innovation, transforming theoretical knowledge into groundbreaking applications. Explore their goals, perspectives, and professional opportunities.
Why not do your postdoc in a company? Fund your project with Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions!
Did you know that the Marie Sklodowska Curie "Postdoctoral Fellowships " funding scheme allows you to carry out a research stay of 12 to 24 months in a non-academic structure? Discover the scheme and apply before September 11, 2024!
Watch online our webinars on PhD career development and intersectoral mobility
As part of its missions around the geographical and intersectoral mobility of PhDs, ABG has organized during the lockdown a series of webinars, now accessible by replay on its YouTube channel.
Canon Europe Research Grant
The Canon Europe Research Grant enables young, highly qualified European or Japanese researchers who hold a doctorate, or at least a master’s degree, to pursue research in Japan for the first ones and in Europe for the second ones.
Submit your application before September 15, 2024.
Cooperation program with the United States: Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair Award
Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair Award aims to reinforce collaborative research between the United States and France by giving a French university the opportunity to invite an American professor/researcher and give him/her the opportunity to meet French colleagues, to organize and participate in conferences, and to interact with French graduate and PhD candidates in their discipline. Application deadline: September 16, 2024.
9th edition of the French-German Day for Early Career Researchers
As major players in the European research landscape, Germany and France offer numerous opportunities to (future) young researchers. Association Bernard Gregory , the Franco-German University, Campus France in Berlin, the French Embassy and the Institut français in Germany are organising the 9th information day for young researchers on their career development (held in German & partically in English). This year, the event will be back to a on-site format on July 5, 2024, in Berlin.
Inscrivez-vous au webinaire « Être enseignant-chercheur : une carrière inspirante à CESI ! », le 25 juin 2024 à 12h
Ce webinaire s’adresse à tous les étudiuants, doctorants et docteurs en quête d’un nouveau défi au sein du laboratoire d’une école d’ingénieurs telle que CESI. Venez découvrir les missions d’un enseignant-chercheurs et les pôssibilités / modalités d'accès aux stages !
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes...rendez-vous le 25 juin à 12h en distanciel sur Linkedin !
Retrouvez l'ABG à l'occasion de la 12e édition de l'Antibody Industrial Symposium 2024 #AIS2024) les 20 et 21 juin 2024 à Montpellier
L'ABG a le plaisir, pour le première fois, de rejoindre le rang des partenaires de l'Antibody Industrial Symposium #AIS2024. À l'occasion de cette édition 2024, organisée à Montpellier les 20 et 21 juin, nous donnons rendez-vous tout au long de ces deux journées, aux entreprises, ainsi qu'aux doctorants et docteurs sur notre stand, sans oublier lors de la table-ronde dédiée à la question du recrutement dans l'industrie biomédicale.
Inscrivez-vous dès à présent, nous vous attendons
L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon
L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).
Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.
L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon
L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).
Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.
Highlights of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) conference held in Mons, Belgium in 2024
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) conference took place on April 18-19 in Mons, Belgium, hosted by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and supported by the European Commission. This year's theme centered around researchers' career pathways. ABG was among the invited panelists, and we bring you the key highlights from the event.
Maupertuis: French-Finnish program to support researchers' mobility
Maupertuis program aims to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in natural science, humanities and social sciences as well as innovation and higher education in the fields of interest for both France and Finland. The deadline for applications is September 15, 2024.
Hélène GODIN, PhD in film studies, now serving as an educational engineer
Hélène Godin holds a PhD in Performing Arts and Film Studies. Following her doctorate, she recently joined the Campus for Future Computer Science and Electronics Skills of Tomorrow in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, as an educational engineer. In this interview, discover her journey, how the doctorate has enriched it, as well as a series of advice aimed at Ph.D. candidates (especially in the humanities and social sciences).
France-Taiwan Scientific Prize
The Académie des sciences (France) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan award a France-Taiwan Scientific Prize every year to a team of French and Taiwanese researchers for their contribution and achievements to scientific research of interest to both regions. Application deadline is June 19, 2024.
ABG at the international innovation exhibition: Curious 2024
Curious - Future Insight™ Conference brings together numerous scientists from all fields and accomplished innovators, enabling them to present their work and explore the future of science and technology!
ABG will be present at this major innovation event and invites you to visit its booth on July 10th and 11th, 2024, in Mainz, Germany.
ApogeeBio Postdoctoral fellowships
Genopole and its partners launch the 3rd and last ApogeeBio call for proposals to fund postdoctoral fellowships. In this call, a total of 12 will be funded for a duration of 24 months and a monthly salary up to 3000 euros net. Association Bernard Gregory will support selected young researchers in their career development. The deadline for applications is February 28, 2024.
Sign up for the ABG webinar Consulting jobs on 10/06/21 at 11:30 am (in French)
ABG launches the 3rd session of its webinars "Focus Métiers - hors R&D" for PhD candidates and holders and companies. Join us on June 10, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. to listen to and discuss with our 5 speakers (PhDs and recruiters) who hold positions in consulting, within different types of organisations.
Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!
Julie FLOCH joins ABG's Innovative Training and Support Department
We are pleased to welcome Julie FLOCH, as Training and Support officer. Read about her journey, her commitments and her goals in this biographical article.
Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h, à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)
Appel à candidatures pour les allocations de thèse en histoire. Ministère des Armées, édition 2021
Le ministère des Armées attribue au titre de l’année 2021 jusqu’à six allocations de thèse en histoire militaire. Le montant de l’allocation est de 10 000 euros. Ces allocations sont ouvertes à tout candidat inscrit en thèse au moment du dépôt de dossier de candidature, à l'exception des doctorants bénéficiant d'un contrat doctoral.
Candidatez jusqu'au 14 janvier 2021.
Nouveau programme de stage par EURAXESS : un soutien pour les chercheurs réfugiés et déplacés en Europe
Vous êtes chercheur.e exilé.e ou relocalisé.e en Europe et vous souhaitez effectuer un stage au sein d'une entreprise ? Alors, le nouveau dispositif d'Euraxess est probablement fait pour vous.
Découvre ses avantages et vérifiez sans tarder votre éligibilité...
The PALLADIO - 2022 Scholarships
The Palladio Foundation supports and encourages young talents (students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, French and foreign citizens) who will create real estate and the city of tomorrow as part of its 2021 scholarship campaign. Applications are open until March 18, 2022.
L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon
L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).
Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.
AMBASSADEUR Postdoctoral fundings 2023
The Directorate-General for international relations and strategy (DGRIS) launches its funding program 2023 for postdoctorates. Apply before April 21st.
The PALLADIO - 2022 Scholarships
The Palladio Foundation supports and encourages young talents (students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, French and foreign citizens) who will create real estate and the city of tomorrow as part of its 2021 scholarship campaign. Applications are open until March 18, 2022.
ABG is taking part in the Forum Labo 2022 [Lyon] on 19th and 20th September 2022. Register now!
ABG will take part in the Forum Labo 2022 [Lyon]. Meet us on 19th and 20th September 2022 in Lyon (Centre des Congrès), as well as the numerous companies present.
France-Nokia Chaire d’Excellence - Call for applications 2024
The France-Nokia Chaire d’Excellence in Information and Communications Technologies offers an opportunity for a distinguished French scholar/researcher to engage in international research collaboration. Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 20, 2024.
French-Italian University's call for projects 2024
The first call for projects, 'Scientific Label 2023', supports Franco-Italian initiatives of high cultural and scientific interest that will run from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Apply online by Apr 5, 2024.
Appel à projets : Science & Impact session de mars 2024
« Concrétisez votre projet de collaboration en sciences et technologies avec la France, l’Indonésie et le Timor Oriental à travers le programme Science et Impact. La première session de l’année 2024 est ouverte ! »
Get ABG’s monthly newsletters including news, job offers, grants & fellowships and a selection of relevant events…
Discover our members
- Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
- TotalEnergies
- Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
- Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
- Ifremer
- MabDesign
- Tecknowmetrix
- Institut de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire - IRSN - Siège
- Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
- Généthon
- Nokia Bell Labs France
- ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
- MabDesign