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Pessoa : The Franco-Portuguese programme to support researchers'? mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries. Deadline for application: June 20, 2014.
Pessoa is the Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) implemented in Portugal by the Foundation for Science and Technology  (FCT-Department of European and International Relations).
Calls for application, issued on an annual basis, are open to research laboratories affiliated with academic institutions, research organizations or companies.

Projects in all areas of science including Humanities and Social Sciences are concerned by this program.

Active participation and mobility of young researchers, especially Phd students or postgraduate, is one of the very first criteria of selection.

The financial support only covers mobility expenses of researchers between both countries.


For French part:
Mme Carolina Cardoso
Institut Français du Portugal – coopération scientifique et universitaire
Tél. : +351 21 311 14 08
e-mail : carolina.cardoso@diplomatie.gouv.fr

For the partner:
Mme Helena Ramos
(DREBM) Departamento das Relações Europeias, Bilaterais e Multilaterais
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Tél. : +351 21 391 15 27
e-mail : helena.ramos@fct.pt

> Call for proposals - Campus France website

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