Where PhDs and companies meet

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ABG is happy to introduce you its new website : www.abg.asso.fr

After almost 2 years of hard work, ABG is happy to introduce you its brand new website : www.abg.asso.fr


As you have noticed, ABG has a new website! Our whole team has worked hard for almost two years, as well as our web agency, to design it and offer it to you.

At the beginning, we asked many doctoral candidates, PhDs, counsellors, as well as public and private employers, to understand their needs. Thank you all!

Therefore, we hope you will enjoy the site and, most of all, that it will be very useful for your professional evolution, your training needs or your hiring campaigns.

One last note. We have looked for bugs with as much commitment as if they were Easter eggs or Pokémon. But some are certainly still around! So, if you discover one, or if you have ideas for us, please contact Véronique 

Many thanks and have an enjoyable browsing,

Vincent MIGNOTTE, PhD – ABG Executive Director

Attention : If you already had an account on the ABG’s former website, please follow the “forgot your password” procedure to confirm it.