The Curie database
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
A database of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs gathering information on higher education and research systems in Europe, USA, Africa and AsiaMaintained by embassies and the Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques (OST) , the Curie database includes:
1) Country sheets on Higher Education and university cooperation in Europe, USA, Africa and Asia,
2) Country sheets currently gathering qualitative and quantitative information (relationships between research and industry ...) on science and technology status in 15 countries and/or continents: South Africa, Austria, Brazil, Chile, South Korea, Egypt, United States, India, Israel, Norway, Poland, United Kingdom, Taiwan and Tunisia. Twenty new sheets are on progress and 40 another ones should be developed before the end of 2009.
If you can easily access to the section "Fiches Enseignement supérieur", this is not the case for the "Fiches Curie+Recherche" one, the access being restricted to French Embassies and international relations officials of French Ministries and research organizations.
But good news, universities, companies or other institutions wishing to access can send their request to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
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