The Embassy in the era of social networks
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The French Embassy in Spain, is now on Facebook and Twitter and invite you to join it as soon as possible!On Facebook, shared page with the French Institute of Spain, you will be sure not to miss any of the French news on Spanish territory in cultural and tourist areas, economic or political closely following the bilateral relationship between France and Spain. And on Twitter, you will be the first to have real-time access to files and key positions of France on topical issues.
For example, on one or the other of these both networks, you can view and listen to the testimonies of the seven winners of the fourth edition of the Grand Prix VIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise or in English, International Volunteers in Business programme). This event which took place in Madrid on December 2, 2013 was jointly organized by Ubifrance and foreign trade advisors of France.
(picture of French Embassy in Spain)
Furthermore, if you are interested in a VIE in Spain, be aware that the number of such contracts increased from 76 to 112 in one year, an increase of 45%. A figure which is expected to continue to grow taking into account inter alia, of the number of French subsidiaries (1,400) located on the territory and companies (4,000) with capital participation from France.
For more information, you can read the article published on December 5, 2013, in, the media of French and Francophone people abroad.
Also to read our article of 23 October, 2013 on the testimony of Ludovic Marquant, specialist in polymer science, about his experience of the VIE scheme.
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