IRCHSS’s Financial supports
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The IRCHSS funds postdoctoral research in Humanities and Social Sciences.Established in 2000 by the Minister for Education and Science, the l’IRCHSS (Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences) operates with the support of the 2007-2013 National Development Plan, a suite of Schemes funded by Irish government intended for young researchers (pre-and post-doctoral), but also for senior researchers.
In the framework of 2010-2011 postdoctoral scheme, three types of funding have been launched:
- Fellowships for a period of one year which purpose is the preparation of doctoral thesis for publication;
- fellowships for a period of two years aiming to develop a new research project which is a significant development from the subject of the doctorate;
- CARA Postdoctoral Mobility Fellowships, co-funded with the European Commission, for a period of three years. The aim of this support is to encourage researchers based and who have gained most of their experience in Ireland, to avail of a period of overseas mobility (the two first years) with associated career development actions, followed one year reintegration period at an Irish research laboratory.
The first two types of funding, correspond to an annual amount of € 35,161.
The last one is calculated using the principles of the 2009 Marie Curie program with a base rate of € 54,300 per annum, the final amount depends on individual situation.
The awarding of these fellowships is based on an annual call for applications published on the IRCHSS' website.
For information, the application deadline is around mid-February.
Furthermore, the IRCHSS jointly administer and funds with the IRCET (Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology), the The Franco-Irish programme to support researchers’ mobility, Ulysses (Read our article of June 2010).
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