40 années d'articles

What recruiters truly have in mind
Vincent MIGNOTTE - Executive Director
Recruitment processes can differ considerably from one company to another: resumes screened by people or by computers, interviews held one-on-one or with multiple applicants/multiple interviewers, “assessment center” formats or shortlisting by a head-hunter for presentation to the...

Networking or Not Working, it's up to you!
Hervé Bommelaer is an outplacement consultant at Enjeux Dirigeants. For many years, he has been assisting senior executives in their professional repositioning.
He is the author of seven books on networking, including “Trouver le bon job grâce au Réseau (Finding the right job through networking)” and “Recherche d’emploi - conseils des pros (Job Search – Advice from Professionals)”...

The job of playground manager at the Grenoble business school
Playground manager in a business school: an original and unusual job description. Isabelle Patroix, PhD in litterature, holds this position at the Grenoble business school.
In this interview, she takes the time to answer our questions, to tell us - with enthusiasm! - about her job, her career and her background and to give some advice to PhD candidates and...
Les rendez-vous
19 Feb 25
On your mark... ready... pitch! Launch of the annual Professional Pitch Contest by ABG
Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) is launching the call for applications for the 2021 professional pitch contest. Send us your video pitches now and get a place in the finals, on October 15, 2021, during the PhDTalent Career Fair, at CENTQUATRE in Paris.
The principle? Candidates have 120 seconds to convince the jury and the audience by presenting their research experience and their professional project in a clear, concise and convincing...
19 Feb 25
Célébrez les 40 ans de l'ABG en partageant vos histoires EN VIDÉO !
Depuis 40 ans maintenant,nous oeuvrons à vos côtés à la promotion du doctorat. Aujourd'hui, à l’occasion de notre 40e anniversaire,nous avons le plaisir de vous donner la parole. Racontez nous vos histoires à traver une courte "vidéo selfie" !
À vous de jouer... ACTION...
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Discover our members
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
Nokia Bell Labs France
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire - IRSN - Siège
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris