Hungarian Research Grant
The Research Grant Hungary is a funding scheme that provides support for up to five years to exceptional international researchers who are leaders in their fields. The aim is for these researchers to contribute to Hungary's growth as a regional hub for research, development, and innovation by carrying out promising research projects. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2024.
The Research Grant Hungary (RGH_24) is a funding scheme monitored by Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office and that provides priority support for up to five years to outstanding researchers in the most dynamic creative phase, at the forefront of international science, who are foreign nationals or live and work abroad, and who, as leaders in their field, contribute to Hungary’s development as a regional hub of research, development and innovation by implementing promising research projects. A further objective is to integrate researchers at the forefront of international science in the innovation focal areas defined in the John von Neumann Programme into the innovation ecosystem in Hungary, with the aim of achieving measurable world-class research over the period of the call for proposals.
Terms and conditions
- Projects must be implemented in a Hungarian host institution with a compulsory university affiliation (a state-recognised higher education institution, research centre, research institute, budgetary organ or an institution with legal personality of a budgetary organ based in Hungary);
- A principal investigator must not been employed as a researcher in Hungary during the 5 years preceding the submission of the proposal;
- Projects should focus on the areas defined in the John von Neumann Programme: digital economy and society, healthy living, green transition and circular economy, and security and safety.
- Proposals must be submitted in English.
Mission and funding
The call includes two sub-programmes:
Short-term Research Grant Hungary (RGH_S_24): HUF 50 to 400 million per project
Long-term Research Grant Hungary (RGH_L_24): HUF 100 to 1000 million per project
Staff allowances and employer’s contributions, certain specific material costs are eligible;
Duration of the short-term research grant is 5 to 24 months & long-term research grant is 3 to 5 years
For more information, please visit the program's dedicated page
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