Funding and Research in Spain
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (Plan Nacional I + D + I) 2008-2011.The National Plan R & D is the planification tool provided by the Ministry of Education and Science for the Spanish scientific and technological system and which defines objectives and policy priorities in research, development and innovation over a 4 year period in accordance with the law for Science of 1986.
If you check out the Plan 2088-2011, you'll have a good idea of action programmes and means (Human Resources, Research & Development and Innovation, Science & Technology infrastructure, system articulation & internationalization…) and strategic actions by discipline (health, telecommunications & information society, nanoscience & nanotechnology…), planned for this period, as well as the access to the different calls for applications.
Furthermore, the objectives resulting from both the National Plan and other initiatives in R & D and Innovation, require a good knowledge of the situation of the Spanish Science-Technology-Enterprise system (SECTE - Sistema Español de Ciencia-Tecnología-Empresa) and the outcomes evolution. The document published by the Ministry for Education and Science will allow you to better understand the structure of institutions / organizations that make up the SECTE system as well as the different interrelationships.
The information is only available in Spanish.
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