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EDEn - capitalizing on the doctoral experience in a company

[5 group sessions and/or individual discussions spread over 2 to 3 months]

During the years spent in the doctoral program, PhD candidates enhance their scientific and technical skills while developing their autonomy, responsibility, teaching and teamwork skills. It is therefore essential that each doctoral candidate learn to step back and communicate effectively about his or her experience, skills and achievements. The EDEn program is designed specifically to accompany doctoral candidates throughout their career development in the business environment.

Companies, please contact us to schedule an EDEn training session.

Target audience:
PhD candidate -


  1. For PhD candidates: lay the groundwork for career development at the end of your doctoral training; communicate effectively about your background, experience, achievements, skills and plans; optimize your applications and your interview performance during the recruitment process.
  2. For companies: ensure that research training enjoys a positive image within the organization; enhance Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives; identify and promote talents within the organization; coordinate the network of doctoral candidates


  1. Personalized support that keeps step with changing goals over time
  2. In-depth analysis of one’s research experience and career plan encouraged by practice in oral and written communication
  3. A time for introspection, gaining perspective and clarifying one’s thoughts


5 group sessions and/or individual discussions spread over 2 to 3 months

Personalized support in groups of no more than 8 doctoral candidates at a time.

A three-phase process in which each doctoral candidate has the opportunity to clarify his or her career plan and define an action plan for his or her job search:

  • Present one’s research topic to various parties from the business world;
  • Analyse the management of one’s research project and assess the scientific, technical and cross-disciplinary skills acquired; take ownership of the skills acquired and capitalize on them over the course of one’s career path;
  • Define new professional avenues and targets; formulate a career plan and learn how to defend it.

Trainees are expected to do some personal assignments between the different sessions.

Deliverables expected:

  • A summary document, roughly 10 pages long
  • An oral presentation of the results of the training before a panel of professionals


“I found that the seminar was an opportunity to highlight the personality of the doctoral candidates, and this is apparent not only when they are giving a presentation, but also simply in conversations with them.”
“I saw changes in the PhD candidate I supervise: he is more outgoing and communicates more effectively. He has learned to sell himself, and that is very positive!”
"[EDEn] really helps you take stock of the thesis, step back and learn how to popularize it."
"Personally, a very beautiful experience and I think that this training in itself changed me, the way of presenting things with simple words despite the complexity of the thesis!"
“I am very satisfied with this training workshop [EDEn]. Now that I have a clearer image of the calibre of my thesis work, I feel more confident when I discuss it during recruitment interviews.”
“You helped me surpass my limits. Thanks to you I have gained perspective. I can look at myself in the mirror and feel proud of what I have accomplished in the course of my brief experience.”
“I cannot recommend the [EDEn] training workshop strongly enough. As an exercise and an analysis, it is highly valuable for the end of the thesis work as well as throughout one’s career, and I doubt that I would have set aside time to do it on my own.”

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