
Call for projects of the Maison Universitaire Franco-Mexicaine 2023
The Maison Universitaire Franco-Mexicaine (MUFRAMEX) has launched a call for projects aimed at supporting researchers and PhD candidates working on topic related to Mexico. Application deadlines are between June and July 2023.
Scientific and academic cooperation with Mexico
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

Towards the creation of a virtual network and the strengthening of scientific cooperation between France and Mexico.
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

Dedicated to Franco-Mexican science and technology community, the information and communication Portal, inaugurated on March 10, 2015, allows everyone to participate in this cooperation by sharing events, projects and various opportunities.

Dedicated to Franco-Mexican science and technology community, the information and communication Portal, inaugurated on March 10, 2015, allows everyone to participate in this cooperation by sharing events, projects and various opportunities.
Franco-Mexican Call for Projects: CONACYT - Bpifrance
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An opportunity for French and Mexican companies to develop innovative technology partnership projects. The application deadline initially scheduled for November 28, 2014 has been postponed to February 13, 2015.
Focus on the internationalization of Higher Education in Mexico and the Franco-Mexican scientific cooperation
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
Second largest economy in Latin America after Brazil, Mexico is a young country where public investment in R&D, Higher Education and in the support to host a growing number of students, teachers and researchers from various countries including France, is a priority.
Country Day Mexico
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
An event organized by the Campus France Agency and the French Embassy in Mexico on October 1st, 2013 at the Alliance Française in Paris. 17/06/13
Scholarships of the Mexican government
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched a call for applications for a "Special Programs" scholarship. Application deadline: August 30, 2013. 09/05/13
Cooperation program with Mexico, PCP/RU2I
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The PCP/RU2I aims to promote exchanges between Higher Education institutions and research organizations of Mexico and France for the implementation of joint training and research actions for industrial purposes in the framework of agreements involving companies.Application deadline : May 17, 2013.
Franco-Mexican Forum for research and innovation
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
An event intended for researchers, technicians, engineers, research administrators, entrepreneurs and students, to be held from 10 to 13 June, 2013 in Mexico. 27/04/13
The Franco-Mexican College in Social Sciences
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The objective is to strengthen scientific cooperation between France, Mexico and Central America in particular by promoting the participation of scientists in public debates on topics such as Social Science Anthropology, Archaeology, History or Sociology.
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