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Apply for the Euraxess Online Seminar for Scientists in Exile's Professional Integration in Europe on May 19 to 22, 2025

ABG is organizing a new online seminar specifically designed for researchers in exile who are willing to pursue their career paths in the economic sector. As part of the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme within the framework of the ERA TALENT Project, the seminar will provide participants with tools and guidance to navigate the European labor market and start building a network outside academia. It will also help them develop their professional skills in a supportive and collaborative environment. Researchers, if you're ready to take the next step in your career, don't miss this opportunity—apply now!


Highlights of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) conference held in Mons, Belgium in 2024

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) conference took place on April 18-19 in Mons, Belgium, hosted by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and supported by the European Commission. This year's theme centered around researchers' career pathways. ABG was among the invited panelists, and we bring you the key highlights from the event.


Highlights from the cross-border career workshop "PhD, what comes next?" 2023

The online edition of the cross-border workshop in 2023 occurred on December 6 - 8, and gathered participants from Luxembourg, Germany, and France. Similar to the preceding year, the seminar targeted PhD candidates in the final stages of their Ph.D. programs and young researchers on temporary contracts across various fields, aspiring to forge careers outside of academia.


Register for Hello Tomorrow Global summit 2023, the Deeptech event, and get an ABG discount

PhD candidates, early-career researchers who want to join the world of deeptech: the largest gathering of startups, investors, large corporations and international deeptech companies will be held in Paris. Take part in the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit on March 9 & 10, 2023 at the Centquatre!

Get discount tickets through the ABG! Details are in the article...


Highlights from the cross-border career workshop "PhD, what comes next?" 2022

The 2022 online edition of the cross-border workshop took place from 29 November to 1 December 2022 and gathered participants from Luxembourg, Germany and France. Like the previous year, this year’s seminar was aimed at PhD candidates at the end of their PhD programs, and young researchers on a temporary contract from all fields who wish to pursue a career in the non-academic sector.


Young Researcher Fellowships at CEFRES : France & Visegrad countries

A mobility support for young researchers in their second year of doctoral studies or more from France, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and whose research contributes to one of CEFRES’s research areas.



Apply for the new edition of “PhD, what comes next - 2022?”, the cross-border career workshop for PhD candidates! November 29 - December 1, 2022 (online)

Together with its partners from Luxembourg and Germany and with the support of the French-German University, the Luxembourg National Research Funds (FNR), ABG is organising a new online edition of the cross-border seminar for doctoral candidates “PhD, what comes next?”. This seminar is aimed at all doctoral candidates from France, Germany and Luxembourg. On your marks? Get set? Apply now!


Apply for the new edition of “PhD, what comes next - 2022?”, the cross-border career workshop for PhD candidates! November 29 - December 1, 2022 (online)

Together with its partners from Luxembourg and Germany and with the support of the French-German University, the Luxembourg National Research Funds (FNR), ABG is organising a new online edition of the cross-border seminar for doctoral candidates “PhD, what comes next?”. This seminar is aimed at all doctoral candidates from France, Germany and Luxembourg. On your marks? Get set? Apply now!


Apply for the new edition of “PhD, what comes next - 2022?”, the cross-border career workshop for PhD candidates! November 29 - December 1, 2022 (online)

Together with its partners from Luxembourg and Germany and with the support of the French-German University, the Luxembourg National Research Funds (FNR), ABG is organising a new online edition of the cross-border seminar for doctoral candidates “PhD, what comes next?”. This seminar is aimed at all doctoral candidates from France, Germany and Luxembourg. On your marks? Get set? Apply now!


Apply for the new edition of “PhD, what comes next - 2022?”, the cross-border career workshop for PhD candidates! November 29 - December 1, 2022 (online)

Together with its partners from Luxembourg and Germany and with the support of the French-German University, the Luxembourg National Research Funds (FNR), ABG is organising a new online edition of the cross-border seminar for doctoral candidates “PhD, what comes next?”. This seminar is aimed at all doctoral candidates from France, Germany and Luxembourg. On your marks? Get set? Apply now!


Students enrolled in Poland: Funding programmes for mobility to France

The French Embassy in Poland and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs have, for many years, supported mobility in higher education by offering scholarships for talented international students. Here is a - non-exhaustive - list of possible funding.


The winner list of ABG Professional Pitch Contest 2020

The ABG Professional Pitch Contest finale #CPP20 was held at the PhDTalent Career Fair 2020 and was 100% digital. The contest saw 10 PhD candidates and PhD holders competing for the best pitch in only 2 minutes, with a jury of 7 executives and business leaders.

Discover the list of winners of this edition, as well as the replay of the finale ! 


The Crossborder Career Workshop “PhD, what comes next?” 2020: highlights

The crossborder workshop took place from 18th to 20th November 2020 and brought together participants from Luxembourg, Germany, and France. This year’s event was designed for PhD candidates at the end of their doctoral program and young researchers on a temporary contract from all fields who wish to pursue their career in the non-academic sector.


Webinars on Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the European Union: Aug. 7 and 14

If you're interested in going to Europe for your doctoral project, don't miss the 2 info sessions on opportunities in France (Aug.7) and Germany (Aug. 14), organised by Afrisnet and Euraxess North America.


Inspireurope Stakeholder forum on research, innovation and research at risk: the highlights

On June 8, an online event was organized to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the Higher Education and Research institutions to welcome refugee scientists. If you couldn’t attend the event, all the sessions are now available online.


Fully EU-funded PhD programme FLOAWER (ITN): apply now!

The FLOAting Wind Energy netwoRk (FLOAWER) is firstly dedicated to train researchers in multi engineering required fields for a better development of Floating Offshore Wind technologies under the constraint of Levelized Cost Of Energy minimization.


EU-funded PhD programme QUSTEC on quantum science and technologies: apply before August 19 to get a fully funded PhD position in France, Germany or Switzerland!

QUSTEC is a doctoral training programme set up by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Eucor – The European Campus. The programme offers 39 early stage researcher (ESR) positions and outstanding training opportunities within the field of Quantum Science and Technology, in a highly international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral setting.


PhDs, companies, entrepreneurs: join TERRINet, a research network in robotics!

TERRINet is a network of research facilities in roboics, funded by the European Commission. The main objective is to maintain the European leadership in robotics by giving academic and industrial researchers an access to platforms and by delivering specific training to develop a new generation of researchers. Next call opens on July 1.


Why not do your postdoc in a company? Fund your project with Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions!

Did you know that the Marie Sklodowska Curie "Postdoctoral Fellowships " funding scheme allows you to carry out a research stay of 12 to 24 months in a non-academic structure? Discover the scheme and apply before September 11, 2024!


International postdoctoral research grants in Latvia

The Republic of Latvia’s State Education Development Agency (SEDA) launches a new call for applications to fund postdoctoral researchers in all fields. Hosting institutions can be public laboratories or companies of all size. Application deadline is set to 15 July 2019.


ITN-project Lowcomote: 15 PhD fellows wanted!

ITN-project Lowcomote is recruiting 15 PhD fellows in the field of model-driven engineering, cloud computing, machine learning. Apply before May 15!


Apply to the InnoEnergy PhD School programme !

Your PhD project  is related to the field of Energy? Or connected with an industrial issue or company? You are interested in developing a product or service related to your research? Or interested in creating your own business?

If so, you need to apply to the 2019 InnoEnergy PhD School programme. Deadline May, 12th. 


All you need to know before going abroad!

Do you need practical information and tips to prepare your mobility as a PhD in Europe? If you do, this is the place to be! You will find here 6 videos summarizing the main topics of our event “Researchers without borders - #EU4PHD”: recruitment process in academia and in industry, (post)doctoral funding schemes, public-private partnerships in research and their impact on career development, EU-incentives to make a mobility in Europe easier. And a bonus video for organizations interested in working with us for a new edition of this event!


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships: call is now open!

Looking for a research grant to do your postdoc abroad? Discover the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships. They are a great option if you want to give your career a boost. They offer exciting new learning opportunities and a chance to add some sparkle to your CV.


MCAA 5th Annual Conference & General Assembly in Leuven

Join this event and take the opportunity to network with an active community of researchers brought together by past or present mobility experience under the European Commission’s Marie Curie Programme!



Recruitment process in Europe: a panel discussion by ABG for the University of Torino

Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

For the second edition of its PhD Day organized by Lucia Salto, project manager for PhD career development at the University of Torino, ABG invited 6 speakers from  European companies to talk about the recruitment of PhDs in their organisations. The topics covered include the different steps from sourcing to recruiting, the do’s and don’ts in the application and interview, their expectations towards PhDs…


European Research Council (ERC) Grants

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program to help young researchers from all disciplines to create their own team of excellence around an original or innovative topic and to carry out during 5 years an independent research work in Europe.

ERC Advanced Grants

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program intended for established leading principal investigators which aims at funding frontier research projects over a maximum period of 5 years with a budget up to € 2.5 million per grant.

PRESTIGE Postdoc program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Coordinated by Campus France, under the Marie Curie Actions-COFUND of the FP7PRESTIGE is a co-financing aiming at fostering the international mobility of post-doc researchers and funding about 1/3 of the post-doc fellow’s living allowance,while the remaining 2/3 are financed by another partner, either publicor private . 

The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Eurodoc is an international federation of national associations of PhD candidates and junior researchers from over 30 countries of the European Union and the Council of Europe.


Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Launch of the first call for applications for a Travel Grant Scheme in China.
Deadline: July 31, 2013.

Marie Curie Actions: a European support for researcher's mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Whether you are young or experienced Researcher, Marie Curie European research grants offer you the opportunity to gain experience abroad in the private sector.


Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

TheEuropean Job Mobility Portal.



Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Portal on Learning Opportunities Throughout the European Space.


Inventory of Post-Doctoral Schemes in Europe

René-Luc Benichou

Even incomplete and in a draft version, the inventory represents a valuable guide for young researchers.


Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

European Cooperation in Science and Technology.

Guide to Research & Innovation funding opportunities in Europe

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A practical Guide to EU funding opportunities published by the European Commission on March 24,  2009.

The European Charter for Researchers

The European Charter for Researchers and the code of conduct to recruit them together set the rules of the game for researcher mobility and recruitment in Europe. An explanatory leaflet is now available for download on the Euraxess website.

IRMM PhD and postdoctoral grants under the Basmati project

Laurent Cousin

The IRMM is launching a call for interest for grant holders on a project of evaluation of rice authentication methods. Deadline for application: September 15, 2008.

A European partnership for researcher careers and mobility

Laurent Cousin

The European Commission plans to establish a partnership with member states in order to achieve “measurable progress” by 2010 in recruitment, social security, pensions and working and training conditions for researchers.

Guides to EU funding

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

You have an idea, a project and need some support from the European Union? Two practical guides are now at your disposal.


Clarise Faria-Fortecoëf

A European association open to research professionals, PhD students, post-docs, teachers, science administrators, policy-makers, engineers, industrialists…


Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Your Curriculum Vitae on line in European Format.

Doctoral programmes in Europe?s universities : Achievements and Challenges

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report prepared for European Universitities and Ministers of Higher Education - 2007.

Life Sciences Mobility Portal

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A platform for European Life sientists and those who want to come to Europe.

Europe trains twice as many PhDs as USA

Fabrice Martin

Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Communities) has just released a brief of statistics on the early career stage of doctorate holders.

The "People" Programme

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This programme brings together and consolidates the Marie Curie Actions which represent real opportunities of funding for young researchers and career development in Research.

The European University Institute - EUI

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Founded in 1972, the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence is a unique doctoral and postdoctoral Institution in Europe.

Key data on higher education in Europe ? 2007 Edition

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The first edition of Key Data on Higher Education in Europe is the outcome of cooperation between the Eurydice European Unit and Eurydice Network (The Information Network on Education in Europe), and Eurostat (The Stastical Office of the European Communities.


Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Launched officially by the European Community in January 2007, ERAWATCH is a new online information platform on research systems and policies within the European Union.

How much does an European researcher earn?

Fabrice Martin

A study of the European commission about remuneration of researchers in the public and private commercial sectors. April 2007.

A European postdoc and what?

E. Jardin &C. Schoch

Frédérique Donsanti holds a PhD in process chemistry. After working in Italy for two and a half years on a European research project, she returned to France to the research lab at the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie in Paris where she had done her doctorate. Back to square one?

PHELINET network

Fabrice Martin

This European Research and Training Network is proposing 11 PhD studentships, 8 postdoc grants and is looking for its own assistant coordinator.