Watch Mobility & Career days LIVE on Youtube #EU4PHD
Organized by ABG, UFA-DFH, UFI-UIF, the event is an unmatched opportunity to meet representatives of companies, research institutes, mobility funding bodies and career advisors from different European countries.
This year and for the first time, all plenary sessions of our Mobility & career days will be streamed live on the ABG Youtube channel.
Here are the details of the sessions :
Career opportunities in European research institutes: BIST, ICN2, DKFZ, Karolinska Institute, LIH, LISER
Research landscape in Europe (part 1): Germany, Norway, Czech Republic
Recruitment process and mobility in academia; IIT, ICN2, LIH
Doctoral and postdoctoral funding schemes (part 1): DAAD, EU-fellowships, French-German University, French-Italian University
Recruitment process in industry: Novartis, RTDI, Novo Nordisk
Apéro Doc
Mobility challenges and employers' best practice: Eurodoc, Euraxess, Resaver, University of Copenhagen
Career opportunities beyond academia (incl. international organisations)
Research landscape (part 2): Great-Britain, Belgium
Public-private partnerships in Europe: LIST/Goodyear, Atos, ANRT
Doctoral and postdoctoral funding schemes (part 2): fundit, Royal Society, FNRS, EIT InnoEnergy, bilateral programmes from the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs
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Découvrez nos adhérents
Nokia Bell Labs France
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire - IRSN - Siège
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
EmploiCDIRef. ABG128380Gembloux Agro-Bio TechGembloux - Belgique
Poste académique à temps plein en Génétique Végétale
Agronomie, agroalimentaire - Ecologie, environnement - Sciences de l’ingénieurConfirmé -
EmploiCDIRef. ABG128230NELUMBO DIGITAL SASGrenoble - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France
Ingénieur de Recherche - Physico-Chime des Polymères
Matériaux - Génie des procédés - Sciences de l’ingénieurConfirmé -
EmploiCDIRef. ABG128076Joliot/DMTS/SIMoS/LBCSaclay - Ile-de-France - France
Permanent Researcher Position in Chemical Biology
Chimie - BiochimieJunior