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Thesis topic Civil engineering, construction and public works

Université Gustave Eiffel Thesis
Nantes , Pays de la Loire , France
Contexte général de l’utilisation des armatures composites en génie civil Les structures en béton renforcées par armatures en polymère renforcé par fibres (PRF) constituent une solution construct ...
Materials science - Civil engineering, construction and public works
Armatures composites; Durabilité; Performances mécaniques; Prédiction de la durée de vie
Ref. ABG-128641
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Université Gustave Eiffel Thesis
, Pays de la Loire , France
Contexte et enjeux La première cause de dégradation des structures métalliques est la corrosion, en particulier la corrosion atmosphérique. Parmi les solutions de type alliages métalliques résistants à ...
Materials science - Civil engineering, construction and public works
Acier autopatinable, corrosion, ouvrage d’art, structures métalliques
Ref. ABG-128429
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Université Clermont Auvergne - Institut Pascal Axe M3G Thesis
, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes , France
Contexte – problématique L’énergie photovoltaïque connaît un fort développement du fait de son adéquation avec les enjeux actuels de développement durable. On constate l’émergen ...
Civil engineering, construction and public works
Fondations, Panneaux solaires, Chargement en traction, Chargement latéral, Structures légères, Caractérisation in-situ, Variabilité géotechnique, Interactions sol-structure
Ref. ABG-128427
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
, Pays de la Loire , France
Context of the Proposed PhD   The proposed work is part of a french national collaborative project VF++ ("Cool Cities by and for Users: Integrating Soft, Green, and Grey Solutions to Promote the Health of Inhabitants in a Sus ...
Civil engineering, construction and public works - Ecology, environment
urban microclimate modelling, cooling strategies
Ref. ABG-128413
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
Eindhoven University of Technology Thesis
, Netherlands
Job description Fire safety in the built environment is a major concern that is sometimes still taken lightly. Experience has shown that the current technological solutions do not always hold up to the intended fire protection, and this has resulte ...
Materials science - Ecology, environment - Civil engineering, construction and public works
Fire safety Geopolymer Slag Spray-printing
Ref. ABG-128254
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
Polytechnique Montréal Thesis
, Canada
(Le français suit) Fluid injection in the subsurface is recognized as a potential source of induced seismicity, notably aseismic slip along geological faults, and potentially – if not controlled – major induced seismic events tha ...
Civil engineering, construction and public works - Digital - Earth, universe, space sciences
fault slip, induced seismicity, geomechanics, geoenergy
Ref. ABG-127851
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)