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Thesis topic Biotechnology

Laboratoire d'analyse et de modelisation pour la biologie et l'environnement - Université d'Evry Thesis
, Ile-de-France , France
Two positions starting as soon as possible are available in the laboratory LAMBE (Université Evry Paris Saclay) to work on the mechanics of oocytes in collaboration with M.-E Terret (cell biologist at CIRB, Collège de France) and E. Labr ...
Physics - Biology - Biotechnology
Ref. ABG-126979
Thesis topic
Other public funding
Universite de Lille Thesis
Lille , Les Hauts de France , France
The DNASTRIX project aims at investigating and quantifying how nuclear mechanics can be altered by forces issued from the cellular environment, and what are some key genomic implications of such mechanical processes, potentially involved in many human ...
Physics - Biotechnology - Electronics
computer simulation; DNA-protein interactions; molecular dynamics; nuclear mechanics
Ref. ABG-126146
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)